Meet the Step-Daughter

No, Katharine doesn't really have a daughter. She does, however, have the charming Ms. Pyewackette, pictured above.
Pye will be accompanying Kate on her journey to America. It's funny enough that Kate and I have had to fill out documents and applications until our wrists have turned blue for her to come over here, but all Pye's going to have to do is take some sleepy pills and get comfortable in a crate for 24 hours. The United States keeps a close eye on its immigrants now, but quarantine laws for pets are virtually non-existant.
Australia, on the other hand, has strict immigration and quarantine laws. It'll be something to consider when WWIII breaks out in 2014, and the Baker family decides that maybe it's time to go back to Oz. Hey, if Mel Gibson was able to do it, why not us.
Understand that we don't call our pets our sons and daughters in real life. We love them, but they are pets, not children. My father refers to his parakeet as my half-brother. He also wanted me to take pictures of the raccoons on his backdeck so that Kate could see her "sisters-in-law."
Judging from the picture above, I think that Pyewackette will be more than able to handle her "cousins".
(Was directed here randomly.) Beautiful cat.
I have two stories of cat immigatations
1. A friend of mine was in the peace corps in Africa and took on a stray cat in the remote villiage. The cat is kinda fierce. Anyway, he drugged the cat and put it in a duffle bag. He manage BRIBE airline people from Nairobi to Des Moines, Iowa. Now, he's got a true "African cat." (This was pre-9/11)
2. I moved to Venezuela (from Ohio) with my work and brought my cat, Pilsner, with me. Although I spent better than $100 on paperwork, nobody cared, or seemed surprised by the cat. I have a classic picture of Pilsner looking out over the Avila mountains in Caracas. I would have given anything to know what was going through his mind!
Interesting blog! Thanks for sharing!
matt - a duffel bag doesnt sound so bad. pye is african (half abyssinian) and plenty wild in her domesticated way. just this morning i woke up to a mouse-eye view her swatting my nose followed by a fiercer attacker on the hand i put up to protecy my face. as i lay there trying to wake up, angling my hand so the blood amassing in my palm didnt drip onto the white sheets, i could see the bruise, still black, on my arm from where she bit me a week ago. im about ready to shove her in a duffle bag right now.
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